When people purchase gift card holders, they do so for two basic reasons. 1) They purchase the plastic card holder as a simple means to transfer their plastic gift card from one recipient to another. 2) They purchase the plastic card carrier to surprise the receiver of the gift card. Therefore, business owners need to be aware of both possible reasons before ordering the gift card carriers.

gift card holder lunar

Gift card holders can be unique, simple, and classy all at once.

Gift Card Holders as Simple Holders

The most common market for gift card holders will be the simple holder to transfer the plastic gift card from one person to another. You see these all the time in grocery stores, convenient stores, and just about everywhere you look. They are convenient and they are everywhere. However, this does not mean you can throw in the towel. You must give them some thought and planning.

The holder must:

  • Compliment your custom gift card
  • Enhance your corporate image
  • Appeal to customers

Since simple gift card carriers are nothing more than holders and are not to surprise the recipient, ou can use them as a way to lure your customers back into the store. As any small business owner knows, many gift cards are not redeemed and those that are redeemed may take weeks or months.

This process can be sped up with a coupon printed on the holder itself. By printing “Bring this holder in by Valentine’s Day for 10% off your next purchase” will hasten the use of the gift card.

Gift Card Holders as Surprises!

The other reason people purchase gift card holders is to surprise the recipient. In this case, the plastic card holder cannot reveal the nature of the gift card. It does need to be cute and festive but it cannot under any circumstances reveal the nature of the present.

As a small business, you may be wary about ordering such gift card carriers for your business. After all, plastic card holders do not appear to advertise your business and they seem to have little value–right? In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

If your customers are looking for a gift card as a surprise and you do not offer surprise gift card holders, then they may very well pass by your store and opt for a VISA gift card instead.

When considering surprise gift card carriers:

  • Make them attractive and festive
  • Consider turning the gift card carrier into a keepsake

How to Turn a Gift Card Carrier into a Keepsake

Scrapbooking is making a big comeback and you can make your way into the scrapbook with your gift card carrier. The gift card carrier is the perfect size and shape to remember a special day and your business can be a part of it if you play your cards rights (pun intended.)

Picture this:

It’s graduation day and everyone is excited because Big John is graduating. Aunt Sue and Uncle John walk into your store and spot your custom designed graduation gift card carriers. These cards carriers are black with silver glitter calligraphy writing. The writing is across the fold. It is simple and elegant and says “Congratulations Graduate”.

Also, in silver glitter, is a cap in the upper right corner. You only take these out at graduation time and since there is no year printed on them, you can use them each year.

Aunt Sue falls in love with the graduation gift card carrier immediately and buys it along with a custom gift card. Later that night, Big John’s mom puts the gift card holder in the graduation scrap book and your store is permanently attached to Timmy’s graduation.