Custom labels can make or break a small business. Therefore, when placing an order for your new full color labels you need to have everything in order and make sure you avoid these five common mistakes. 

custom labels

Custom labels can make or break your product line!

Mistake 1: The Labels Have Mistakes in Spelling

Nothing screams failure like glaring misspellings on a product.  Labels with misspellings can range from sad to downright embarrassing. Some are so bad that Jay Leno has a segment just for this purpose. Don’t let your business be caught on the wrong end of this segment.

When words are misspelled on your labels, people will assume your company does not take things seriously. Remember, your labels are a first impression and often the only impression. A misspelled label will give the impression of low quality material and a low quality company. Labels must be triple checked for correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Mistake 2: The Labels Have Too Much Information

Labels are meant to be short and sweet. They are not flyers and they are not blogs. Keep your labels exactly that. Too much information will drive your customers into information overload. If you want your labels to be a source of information, add a picture or better yet, add a QR code. You can add a QR code onto custom labels which can send tech savvy customers to your webpage.

Mistake 3: Boring Black and White Custom Labels

In this day and age there is just no excuse for black and white labels. Unless you are talking about address labels, there is no excuse. Even the post office has labels that pop. A picture is worth a thousand words and you need to use it. Custom labels need to be customized. Don’t be boring with plane Jane black and white labels which don’t say anything about your company. Labels must catch your customer’s eye and say something about you and your company.

Mistake 4: Lack of  Graphics

Custom labels need to have a logo. Big or small your labels should have your logo include somewhere on it. Written information only is boring. No one likes looking at a wall of text. It is not identifying. When you have plain text, you cannot identify who the text belong to. This is why companies go to great links to copyright images. You must brand yourself and put your logo on each label.

Mistake 5: Low Quality Labels

Low quality labels will ruin everything else. You can do everything else right and then put it on low quality labels to ruin it. You cannot use low quality labels and expect to get good results. If everything else is right, you will still get bad results. It is better to use a better quality label to get better quality results.

Consider the two packages. Package A comes to you with torn edges and blurred finished print. Packaged B come to you with glossy finish and laser printing. Which package do you immediately think is a finer product?

Ultimately, you know the products have nothing to do with the labels but subconsciously your mind goes to package B. We all do it and none of us can help it. This is why name brands do so well. This is why Juicy Couture, Coach, and Jimmy Choo do so well. It is not that they are so much better than their counterparts. It is their ability to brand themselves.

Will custom labels get you on their level? Probably not. However, you can learn from the greats who are known as labels. In the world of business, it is all about the label and you label is your business.