Archives for posts with tag: gift card holders

As we all know, a huge part of the fun of getting gifts on our birthdays and holidays is in the mystery and discovery of what we got—perhaps even more than getting “what we always wanted.” Gift cards can give us “what we always wanted,” by by themselves, gift card holders don’t lend much to the mystery part. 

gift card holders

They may not be that “sneaky”, but Starbucks gift card holders have got the right idea.



Typically, if there is any question of what’s in that flat envelope with your name on it, it’s whether it’s a holiday card or a gift card in a holder. The letter disguise is for amateurs, let’s play in the big leagues.


The Jewel Case Heist


As long as you know their favorite bands and music genres, it’s hard to go wrong with giving someone a CD as a birthday or holiday gift. In this case, it doesn’t actually matter, and it may actually be more fun to use a CD jewel case from a band or genre they patently don’t like.


Simply use a razor to cut a slit in the protective wrapping along the bottom edge of the lid and slip the gift card into the case under the liner notes. This could take some effort, so make sure the card carrier is on the gift card to protect it from damage. Seal with clear tape.


If you want to add a “cheap gift” element to your prank, buy the CD from a used CD seller. If there is no protective wrapping and there’s a super-cheap price tag directly on the jewel case, so much the better.


Sweating Over the Sweater Box


How many of us actually like getting sweaters as gifts? How many of us were practically in tears when we got sweaters when we were kids? We can visit this same trauma on the younger members of our families just before they get the most perfect gift anyone can get.


All you need is a sweater box from a department store, a hideous holiday sweater, and some clear tape. Tape the card in its carrier in the bottom and neatly fold the sweater and put it in the box. Wrap as normal.


To enhance the experience, you could use one of your old sweaters and spin a yarn about how your father gave you that sweater, and his father gave it to him. They both had this sweater while they were stationed overseas during “The War” and went to great lengths to bring it home…


Microwave Popcorn Gift Card Holders


What kind of unthoughtful, miserly cheapskate would give microwave popcorn as a gift? The kind that might give a movie theater or video rental gift card.


Much like the CD Case, you would cut a slit in the protective plastic on the bottom, slide the gift card inside (especially with butter-flavored popcorn, the plastic card carrier is mandatory), and tape it shut.


Picture Frame Job


This bit of camouflage is probably a bit less puckish than the rest. They may like the frame, they may not, but a gift card is not what they’ll be expecting, especially if you painstakingly wrapped it so there was no mistake that it was a picture frame. It’s actually kind of neat seeing a framed gift card when you were dreading the sight of that horrible family portrait where everyone was wearing the same tacky shirt with your names in iron on letters.

Often, gift card holders can be purchased ready-made in festive holiday designs just right for the season. These holders make an already convenient gift that much more easy on the buyer–because even the wrapping has been taken care of.

gift card holders

DIY gift card holders can be as simple or as fancy as you like!


However, some crafty types relish the challenge of making their own gift card holders. If you are among this group of go-getters, you might like a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing.


The beauty of these ideas is that they can be made with scraps of recycled paper, fabric, or other bits and pieces that you might have laying about–especially if you are of a crafty mindset. No need to run to your local craft store to buy any more supplies–just get creative and repurpose or recycle what you’ve already got.


Make Gift Card Holders Out of Paper


If you are into scrapbooking, you probably have lots of pieces of paper in your craft room. If so, then you can use this paper up in several ways:


  • Make miniature paper stockings, and tuck gift cards inside;
  • Make large, flat paper Christmas ornaments, gluing or stapling two pieces together to form a decorative pouch;
  • Whip out the book on origami you’ve been wanting to try, or look for an online tutorial;
  • Make an envelope for the gift card and then glue it to a gift bag;
  • Make paper envelopes and put the gift cards inside.


Repurpose Boxes for Gift Card Holders


If you have leftover boxes, you can use them to cleverly package your gift cards in these ways:


  • Use an Altoids or chewing gum tin, line it with tissue paper, and tuck the gift card inside.
  • Use a Chinese takeout box, and fill the inside with paper grass or wadded tissue paper to cushion the gift card;
  • Use an old jewelry box for an elegant presentation;
  • Use a CD jewel case, lining the interior with wrapping paper and tucking the gift card inside;
  • Look for an online tutorial for crafting your own pop-up gift card box.


For boxes you can decorate the exterior with drawings, collages, glitter, or simply wrap as you would any other boxed gift.


Gift Card Holders from Scraps of Fabric


If you do a lot of sewing, you know how many little bits and pieces of fabric you have left over. You can use these scraps to make elegant, whimsical, or charming gift card holders with only a tiny bit of effort on your part:


  • Make a pocketbook-type holder out of felt that doubles as a Christmas-tree ornament;
  • Create miniature mittens out of scrap fabric and place the gift card inside;
  • Make a “money tree” out of felt, and then add the gift card–use it as an ornament or as a gift tag;
  • Make stockings from leftover fabric or felt and place the gift cards inside.


There are dozens of craft tutorials online as well as holiday craft books at your local library. Use these ideas to help make your gift card presentation even more festive and enjoyable during this special season.

Gift card holders are special because they are the first thing your gift recipient will see. How do you want to present your card? Many people think of gift card holders as an afterthought and simply stuff them into an envelope to give as a gift.

But there are so many creative ways to package your gift card out there, and it makes such a memorable impression on the recipient, that putting a little thought into your gift card holders is something everyone should try.

gift card holders holidays

Gift card holders like these are great for Holiday and other gifts.

If you are stuck for ideas, you can turn to the internet or a local shop for inspiration. In this blog, we’ll discuss the top 3 ways you can find inspiration for your gift card holders.

Check Pinterest for Gift Card Holders

One of the best sites for visual inspiration on the internet is Pinterest. This site is a visual bulletin board that allows its members to “pin” pictures to a single board for inspiration.

Pinterest users pin about anything that they find creative or fun–whether it’s designs for a cupcake or a wedding gown. Not surprisingly, many crafty people pin their gift card holder ideas on Pinterest too.

There are many boards devoted to custom gift cards and gift card holders on Pinterest. A quick search turns up ideas ranging from making a denim “pocket” for the gift card to creating a paper Christmas wreath and tucking the card inside.

These ideas can help you to decide on a way to wrap your gift cards, or can inspire your creative thinking so you come up with a few on your own.

Check Your Local Dollar Store for Gift Card Holders

Your local dollar store probably has a range of gift card holders that you can use for packaging your presents. Small trinket boxes, felt pouches, and Chinese takeout boxes are all readily available at these stores, and they make excellent holders for your gift cards.

These stores usually have a range of greeting cards too; but try to think beyond cards when packaging your plastic gift cards. Instead, try to think of interesting ways you can conceal your gift card so that the recipient might not know what she’s getting.

Make Your Gift Card Holders Match the Gifts

You can also get creative and find ways that you can package your gift card holders to match the gift itself. For example, if you are giving someone a gift card to an Italian restaurant, you can package the card with a quick spaghetti supper–dried pasta, a jar of tomato sauce, and a jar of basil all wrapped up in a strainer or saucepan.

Or if you are giving a gift card to a spa, package it with a spa day basket–include a loofah, some bath gel, a terry cloth headband, and some comfy flip-flops. It’s a lot of fun to have a gift card exchange party and encourage people to wrap the card in such a way that the others get to guess what the card is for–lots of laughs and fun, especially close to the holidays!

When people purchase gift card holders, they do so for two basic reasons. 1) They purchase the plastic card holder as a simple means to transfer their plastic gift card from one recipient to another. 2) They purchase the plastic card carrier to surprise the receiver of the gift card. Therefore, business owners need to be aware of both possible reasons before ordering the gift card carriers.

gift card holder lunar

Gift card holders can be unique, simple, and classy all at once.

Gift Card Holders as Simple Holders

The most common market for gift card holders will be the simple holder to transfer the plastic gift card from one person to another. You see these all the time in grocery stores, convenient stores, and just about everywhere you look. They are convenient and they are everywhere. However, this does not mean you can throw in the towel. You must give them some thought and planning.

The holder must:

  • Compliment your custom gift card
  • Enhance your corporate image
  • Appeal to customers

Since simple gift card carriers are nothing more than holders and are not to surprise the recipient, ou can use them as a way to lure your customers back into the store. As any small business owner knows, many gift cards are not redeemed and those that are redeemed may take weeks or months.

This process can be sped up with a coupon printed on the holder itself. By printing “Bring this holder in by Valentine’s Day for 10% off your next purchase” will hasten the use of the gift card.

Gift Card Holders as Surprises!

The other reason people purchase gift card holders is to surprise the recipient. In this case, the plastic card holder cannot reveal the nature of the gift card. It does need to be cute and festive but it cannot under any circumstances reveal the nature of the present.

As a small business, you may be wary about ordering such gift card carriers for your business. After all, plastic card holders do not appear to advertise your business and they seem to have little value–right? In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

If your customers are looking for a gift card as a surprise and you do not offer surprise gift card holders, then they may very well pass by your store and opt for a VISA gift card instead.

When considering surprise gift card carriers:

  • Make them attractive and festive
  • Consider turning the gift card carrier into a keepsake

How to Turn a Gift Card Carrier into a Keepsake

Scrapbooking is making a big comeback and you can make your way into the scrapbook with your gift card carrier. The gift card carrier is the perfect size and shape to remember a special day and your business can be a part of it if you play your cards rights (pun intended.)

Picture this:

It’s graduation day and everyone is excited because Big John is graduating. Aunt Sue and Uncle John walk into your store and spot your custom designed graduation gift card carriers. These cards carriers are black with silver glitter calligraphy writing. The writing is across the fold. It is simple and elegant and says “Congratulations Graduate”.

Also, in silver glitter, is a cap in the upper right corner. You only take these out at graduation time and since there is no year printed on them, you can use them each year.

Aunt Sue falls in love with the graduation gift card carrier immediately and buys it along with a custom gift card. Later that night, Big John’s mom puts the gift card holder in the graduation scrap book and your store is permanently attached to Timmy’s graduation.

Most small business owners understand the importance of advertising and marketing their business if they want to grow. Fortunately, utilizing gift card holders as part of this marketing campaign can be an extremely effective way to increase your customer base and help your business thrive. 

gift card holders

Gift card holders come in every design you can think of–and some that you probably haven’t!

Without a successful method of bringing in new customers, most small businesses fail within a very short amount of time; however, there are some very effective methods that can be used to not only bring in more customers, but can also be an excellent strategy for creating repeat customers.

After all, getting a customer in the door is typically the hardest part of any advertising strategy; once you have them in your place of business, you should be able to sell them on your particular products or services.

Gift Card Holders for Special Promotions

Gift card holders can be used to advertise special promotions that you have planned. These promotions can be anything from a special sale to a customer appreciation event.

With a special card holder designed to promote the event, you not only create added interest, but your customer carries with them a constant reminder. This can be an especially effective form of advertising and one that could potentially help a small business generate many new customers.

Gift Card Holders to Promote Specific Products or Services

Depending on the nature of your business, you could feature gift card holders designed specifically to promote a particular product or service that your business offers.

Whether you sell tires or vitamins, the products and services you promote can be as simple as offering customer discounts, incentive programs or even free trials. Your gift card will certainly be a welcome item, especially when coupled with a promotion for an exceptional savings on a popular product or service you offer.

Gift Card Holders to Advertise Your Website

Another important factor in growing any small business is establishing a solid internet presence. Many of today’s consumers prefer to do their shopping online and offering customers the option of visiting your website can dramatically increase your customer base.

However, in order to maximize your website’s potential, it is important for customers to know how to find it. With your various pieces of marketing collateral prominently advertising your website, you can be sure that more customers will begin visiting your site.

Whether you have a physical store or not, harnessing the potential of a website can make a huge difference in the success of your business. Let your customers know about your website with gift card holders that generate interest in visiting your online store. You might be surprised to find how quickly this area of your business begins to grow.

One nice thing with well designed card holders is that you can be sure that it is something that will continue to provide advertising effectiveness as long as your customer continues to use it.

You can offer a selection of good quality gift card holders to use for various advertising campaigns or for your customers to choose as a holder for a recipient. However you use these card holders, be sure to choose a high-quality printer, the quality of your advertising products will be a direct reflection of your business.